
Psychotherapy, typically talk based, is the space for processing experiences, learning and practicing skills, and establishing helpful patterns to reduce or eliminate disruptive symptoms related to mental health concerns. 

Center for Conscious Alchemy psychotherapists are grounded in  individualized treatment and multidisciplinary integration. Psychotherapy is typically held in 55 minute sessions weekly, bi-weekly, or as needed. 

Current CCA Providers: 

Kate GoodmanOpen for ART onlyWeekdaysIn-person or telehealth
Swan (Kate) McDonnellOpen for KAP onlyM-Th
F (KAP only)
M-Th – Telehealth
F (KAP) – In person
Alley MakiOpenWeekdaysM, T, F – Telehealth
W, Th – In-person or telehealth
Carrie StarkOpenWeekdaysM, F – Telehealth
T, W, Th – In-Person or telehealth
Greg MarshOpen for previous clientsM – ThT, Th – Telehealth
M, W – In-person or telehealth
Amy WheelecorOpen for previous clientsT – ThT, Th – Telehealth
W – In-person or telehealth
Olivia ElickOpenSaturdayTelehealth

Current Psychotherapy Interventions: 

Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART): works directly to reprogram the way in which distressing memories are stored in the brain so that they no longer trigger strong physical and emotional reactions.  

*Certified Providers: Kate Goodman

*More info:

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT): intervention that uses acceptance and mindfulness strategies, together with commitment and behavior change strategies, to increase psychological flexibility

*More info:

Attachment-based Therapy: an approach to therapy that specifically targets those thoughts, feelings, communications, behaviors, and interpersonal exchanges that patients have learned either to suppress and avoid or to amplify and overemphasize because of early attachment experiences. 

Attachment Based Therapy

Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT)

Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT)

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)

Drama Therapy

Expressive Art Therapy

Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR)

Global Somatic Therapy

Enhanced Illness Management and Recovery (EIMR)

Financial Social Work

Internal Family Systems (IFS)

Interpersonal Therapy

Insight Processing


Narrative Therapy


Play Therapy

Relational Therapy

Rogerian/Unconditional Positive Regard

Solution Focused


Trauma-informed Therapy

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